Specialist in Fine English Pottery

A Pair of Staffordshire Pink Cushioned Spaniels - circa 1844

A Superb pair of beautiful dogs

There is a marvellous and important fact about these spaniels.
We are always in grey areas when trying to date out figures,
sometimes we can be fairly confident with portrait figures
that match significant moments in history.
But this doesnt normally apply with animals.
But in this case I can.
A friend and fellow staffordshire enthuisiast
has a single spaniel like this,
it was won by his great great grandfather in a baby walking contest,
yes in 1844 !

I think carefully about how to describe figures.
On this occasion it has been done for me:
from one of my favourite books
A-Z of Staffordshire Dogs
Author Clive Mason Pope says:

"The Look of Love"

"Sitting on blue bases
fringed with pink.
Their front legs seperate.
These charmers offer a full
pedigree with quiet adoration."

This pair are as good as you will ever find.
Unlike in the book they are red and white, not black and white.
these spaniels also sometimes come with bases fringed in green.
These are the best.
A perfect, true and wonderful pair.

There is no damage.
There is no restoration.

Height: 7.75 inches


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Specialist in Fine English Pottery

Nick Burton - for a Quality Staffordshire Figure

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on or before
1st March 2025

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