A Pair of No.1 Red & White Staffordshire Spaniels - circa 1850
A classic pair of Staffordshire Spaniels,
feathered red markings, gilt collars, gilt chains
and with happy faces.
Comforter spaniels, fire-side or mantle dogs,
they came in all shapes and sizes and decorated houses
the length and breadth of England.
In some streets of terraced houses, every one could have a pair
looking out of the window onto the street, but the most popular position
has traditionally been around the fireplace.
Impressed No.1on the base
they can be found in sizes No.1 to No. 6 (the smallest).
Our pair was possibly the most popular size
as today this is probably the easiest to find.
That said, any fine, early, true pair, in good condition should be cherished,
there are many, many late, matched, poor quality and damaged pairs
that are very easy to find.
They are in very good condition,
a little flaking to the enamels
and no restoration.
Height: 12 inches